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Family Owned and Operated for 78+ Years
1/2 Yard to 1,000 Yards
Pick up or Delivery
Clean River Rock
Often used for decorative applications to accent a garden space or a landscape feature. Used in pools, water paths etc. The River Rock not being crushed makes it commonly used as sub-grade drainage stone


1"-1.5" River Rock

1.5"-2.5" River Rock
3/4" River Rock

3/8" Peastone

Limestone (L.S.)
Limestone most commonly used as the main base material in Manitoba due to its now availability and easy to install application. Used under most roadways, parking lots and driveways.

4" Down Limestone
2" Down Limestone

3/4" Clean Limestone

3/4" Down Limestone
1/4" Down Limestone

3" Plus Orange Flagstone

1"-2" Clean Orange Flagstone
3/4" Clean Orange Flagstone
5/8" Down Orange Flagstone
Granite is used for decorative applications in waterways, flower beds, driveways etc. However Granite is a superior product when compared to the commonly used limestone. It is a stronger rock and excels when used as lakeshore protection. Commonly used as railway ballast.

6" Plus Clean Red Granite

1.5" Clean Red Granite
Out of stock

1.5" Clean Black Granite
3/4" Clean Red Granite

3/4" Clean Black Granite

1/4" Down Black Granite Out of Stock

1/4" Down Red Granite Out of Stock

5mm Granite Out of Stock
Carious sizes and types of boulders, widely used for yard accents, seawall protection and much more.

12" Plus Red Granite
12" Plus Black Granite

12" Limestone

Round Boulders
Gravels and Sands
These products are mined from the inter-lake region and remains a cheaper alternative to limestone products.

Pitrun Gravel
3/4" Traffic Gravel

3/4" Slag

3/4" Recycled Asphalt

Beach Sand

CSA Masonry Sand

Screened Pipe Sand
Crestview Shale - Decorative Rock

10% Salted Sand -
City of Winnipeg Spec

We offer a range of soils and fills to meet your projects needs

3-Way Topsoil
Heavy Soil

Processed Fill
Mulch is a great option to accent a feature in a garden bed or yard, come in numerous colors, however call for availability


Natural Bark Mulch

We now offer bulk and bagged firewood if its for heating your home or for the camp fire, many species to choose from.

Mixed Poplar

Oak - Out of Stock

Birch - Out of Stock

1 Yard Poplar Mix - Out of Stock
Bagged Product
We bag all our products from soil to firewood. If you want a particular product bagged give us a call we do custom bagging for orders of 25 bags or more. We usually have the common pre-bagged products available for pick up. If you are looking for a specific Item please call our office.

Pre-Bagged Aggregate or Soils
Bagged Firewood
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